批次指定學習活動歸屬操作說明 Specify Learning Activity Ownership

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在 iLearn 中,若教師從左方「課程活動」中,新增學習活動時,若沒有選擇「章節」,則該學習活動不會出現在「章節」之中。若後續想將未指定「章節」的學習活動,設定到章節當中,可透過2024年2月新增的「批次指定學習活動歸屬」功能進行設定。透過「批次指定學習活動歸屬」的功能,也可以快速查看未指定章節的學習活動。

In iLearn system, when teachers add a learning activity from the "Course Events" section on the left side, if they do not select a "Section", the learning activity will not appear in any section. If you later want to assign a learning activity that was not assigned to a section to a specific section, you can use the "Specify Learning Activity Ownership" feature introduced in February 2024. This feature allows you to quickly assign learning activities to sections and also enables you to easily view learning activities that have not been assigned to a section.


I. Learning Activity Ownership Instructions



The Learning Activity Ownership screen displays all sections in the course on the left side, along with the learning activities under each section. To show only section information, you can hide learning activities by toggling the "Learning activities" switch at the top right corner.

On the right side of the screen, you will see the learning activities that have not yet been assigned to a section. If there are too many learning activities, you can use the "Type" filter at the top right corner, or click on the magnifying glass icon to search.



II. Adjusting the Sequence of Sections and Learning Activities



You can adjust the sequence of sections, learning units, or learning activities in the "Section/Unit Structure" section on the left.

1. 將滑鼠移至您要調整的「章節、學習單元或學習活動」上,可以看到出現反白,該反白的最右方出現8個小點,將滑鼠移至小點上,出現手指圖示。

1. Hover over the section, learning unit, or learning activity you want to adjust. When it becomes highlighted, you will see eight small dots appear on the right side. Move your mouse over these dots until a hand icon appears.

2. 滑鼠左鍵按住小點不放,移動至您要的位置放開。

2. Click and hold the left mouse button on the dot, then drag it to the desired position and release.

3. 按最下面的「儲存」即完成調整。

3. Click "Save" at the bottom to complete the adjustment.



III. Assigning Learning Activities to Sections/Units

1. 勾選您要指定的學習活動後,按下「指定至」的按鈕。

1. Check the learning activities you want to assign, then click the "Assign to" button.

2. 選擇欲指定的章節/學習單元後,按下「確認」。

2. Select the desired section/learning unit you want to assign them to, then click "Confirm".


3. 勾選的學習活動會出現在左邊剛才指定的章節/學習單位下方,按下「儲存」即完成。

3. The checked learning activities will appear below the specified section/learning unit on the left. Click "Save" to complete the process.


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